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Vampire Knight

 2 August 2010

 Such a great manga I had to create a tribute button set featuring the hottest manga love triangle of characters.
Did you want Yuuki to end up with Zero?

Or did you want her to end up with Kaname?
OR, did the pervy fan girl inside secretly want Kaname and Zero to hook up =^.^=


Sometimes You Just Need Comfort Food
As a college student I can truthfully tell you that after a night of campus frat madness and cram study hall madness there's nothing better than to sit at the breakfast table at 5AM sipping that sweet sweet bitter black coffee and smoking a Lucky Strike while dreaming you could afford toast.

Bleach Boys

you know what all the fan girls are saying, " oh Byakuya you're so brooding and deep" or " Toshiro you're such a cutie. " you know what I was saying? "man I need some Bleach boy flair."